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SOMNIUM (2013)


This was the final project of my second year of university. Somnium is Latin for 'The Dream' as this project was all about the personal and extraordinary relationship that with have with dreams.


The project was completed over several months, when I woke up I often attempted to write down the remnants of what I could remember of my dream. Often trying to recite it to remember details. If felt I had fabricated too much of the dream, it was discarded.

Eventually I ended up with 4-6 descriptions of dreams which I translated into monologue style poems. It was my intention to try and relive the dream again, rather than retell to someone else but to relive the moment.


The poems were then placed next to an image which I felt was most prevalent in the dream. Whether it was vegetable, animal or mineral. I attempted to get an image of it.


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